
Koleksi Tumbuhan

Inai (Henna) – Lawsonia Inermis Januari 17, 2010

Pokok inai , akarnya dapat dijadikan ramuan untuk mengecutkan rahim jika direbus bersama akar coreng atap, gelang putih dan ru.
Jus daripada daunnya pula dapat merawat bengkak ari-ari di samping mencuci darah bantal yang tersangkut selepas melahirkan bayi.


2 Responses to “Inai (Henna) – Lawsonia Inermis”

  1. Hello,

    Thank you for your nice article. I would like to inquire where do you find an inai tree since I could not find it around the area where I live.

    • zainura66 Says:

      Hello, Siew Li

      nice knowing you and thank you for coming to this weblog. Actually, it is quite difficult to see people planting this tree nowadays since we can get easily henna (in powder form) in market. In olden days especially in kampung, most of them will plant this tree for so many reasons. But it is still possible to find elsewhere because I think some people still appreciate this tree as berbal to cure desease in traditional way. Do not give up to find this tree. May be one way you can observe it at the nursery … who knows they are selling this tree !!

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